enTRAIL TAG ALONG to be launched official @ the event in shaa Allaah. It is an eNARRATE mobile show, showcasing how Muslim can have fun without crossing the limit set by Allaah. On the show, known Muslim Social / Entrepreneur Personalities will be invited and our social media followers will have the advantage of tagging along physically weekly.
After the fiesta this weekend, the show will continue at outlets around Lagos – Dominos Pizza, ColdStone, Shoprite, HUBs, Business Places and others within and outside Lagos in shaa Allaah.
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Listen To enRADIO at www.enarrate.com/enradio OR
Download enRADIO on Play store, Apple store or Download TUNEIN and search for enRADIO.
Get the chance to TAG ALONG on our NEXT EPISODE by doing these:
1. Subscribe to our YouTube Channel – eNARRATE and follow @enarrateradio on Instagram, Twitter & Facebook.
2. Tag 10 of your friends with any of enTRAIL TAG ALONG post or picture on Instagram.
3. Take a screen shot of your subscription & follows, send to us via DM @enarrateradio on IG